What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a direct marketing form that uses email to deliver business or fundraising messages to its audience. Broadly speaking, every email sent to potential or current customers can be considered email marketing.
Email Marketing typically refers to:
  • Emails delivered to strengthen the relationship with current or former customers and encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • Emails aimed at attracting new customers or persuading old customers to purchase a specific product immediately.
  • Including advertisements in other companies' emails to their customers.
  • Emails delivered over the Internet.

Advantages of Email Marketing

Companies love to use email marketing (on the Internet) because:
  • It spreads information to a broad range of specific potential customers at relatively low costs, making delivery list advantages self-evident.
  • Compared to investing in other media like direct mail or printed business communications, email marketing is relatively cheaper.
  • It allows for precise tracking of return on investment (ROI), and when used properly, ROI has proven to be quite high. Email marketing is often rated as the second most effective online marketing strategy after search marketing.
  • It is immediate; unlike traditional mail advertisements, emails reach recipients within seconds or minutes.
  • It allows advertisers to proactively "push" messages to their audience, as opposed to websites that can only wait for customers to come.
  • Tracking is easy. Advertisers can proactively track users through bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, read receipts, click-through rates, etc. These can be used to measure open rates, positive or negative responses, and correlate actual sales with marketing.
  • It generates repeat purchases that are affordable and automated for advertisers.
  • Advertisers can reach a large number of email subscribers who have given prior consent, communicating with them on topics of interest.
  • More than half of Internet users check or send emails every day.
  • Interactions with certain types of information may trigger the automatic delivery of other messages.
  • Interactions with certain types of information may trigger other events, such as updating the recipient's data, showing that the recipient has a particular interest.
  • Environmental green appeal - Email marketing does not use paper and does not involve cutting down trees.

Disadvantages of Email Marketing

  • Many companies send emails to stay in touch with existing customers, but some other companies send unsolicited emails, also known as spam.
  • Illegal email marketing preceded legal email marketing because early Internet protocols (see ARPANET) did not permit commercial use as a medium. Therefore, email marketers trying to establish legitimate businesses must conduct what is known as a "breakthrough battle," with obstacles arising from illegal spammers who also claim to be legitimate.
  • It is difficult for observers to distinguish between legitimate and spam email marketing. Firstly, spam emails claim to come from legitimate businesses, confusing recipients. Secondly, direct-selling political groups, such as the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) in the U.S., pressure state legislatures to legalize their activities, which is a form of malicious unsolicited behavior for many Internet businesses. This behavior includes sending electronic spam to people on "Opt-out" lists. Thirdly, with the explosive growth of spam, many users mistakenly consider legitimate business emails (e.g., some delivery lists that users subscribed to themselves) as spam - especially when two emails look similar and contain HTML and blinking graphics.
  • Due to the abundance of spam on the Internet, spam filters are crucial for most users. Many marketers report that their business emails are often blocked by filters; however, complaints about filters blocking legitimate emails seem to be fewer among email users.
  • Companies wanting to implement email marketing plans must ensure that their plans do not violate email laws, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the U.S. (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act), Taiwan's draft regulations on the management of commercial email spam, European privacy and electronic communications regulations of 2003, or other Internet providers using U.S. regulations. Even if a company complies with the law, if a network administrator discovers that the company sends spam emails, the company will be blacklisted like SPEWS.

We provide Email Marketing services. Regardless of quantity, each email is only NT$0.1.

Email Marketing Workflow

  • Collect Email Lists

  • Filter Email Lists

  • Create EDM (Email Direct Marketing)

  • Send EDM

Email Marketing Course

According to research reports, email marketing has a high one-to-one marketing capability, wide advertising coverage, long advertisement duration, strong short-term promotion capability, and high customer database consolidation, while the production cost is the lowest. However, after practical operation, do you feel that you cannot accumulate regular customers, the conversion rate does not improve, and your emails are either opened at extremely low rates or treated as spam? We will address these issues and teach you how to use email marketing effectively, increasing open rates and achieving effective online marketing results.

【Course Benefits】

  1. Send to the right person at the right time to generate repurchases/traffic
  2. Interpret reports and improvement methods
  3. Enhance/complement email effects through advertising tools

【Course Outline】

  1. The five major reasons for low open rates
  2. Key importance of Reputation
  3. Insider’s list management skills
  4. Understanding spam
  5. Top ten common mistakes and solutions in email marketing
  6. How to define the success of an email?
  7. Key indicator interpretation and improvement methods for email marketing
  8. Practical analysis of email marketing cases
  9. How to design emails for different demographics?
  10. Practical demonstration of email sending systems
  11. Discussion of problems

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